Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Helen on 68th Street Quick Write

I'm not a big dreamer, meaning that I don't have a huge resolution and a plan for my whole life ahead of me. To me, setting resolutions are like drawing squares around a person. He or she will be, from that moment on, be limited and do only the things they think they are capable of. At least that's how it works for me. I don't live big dreams and tends to focus on the the current issue like my one page response essay due tomorrow instead of things like my yearly salary in the future. I said I didn't thoughtfully hope or wish for a brand future yet, but that doesn't mean I have never attempted to wish for smaller things. I've wished to do well in class and I sort of did, I've wished to place in  a speech contest and did. As in for the bigger things and my self-expectations, I hope my logical thinking to improve, to be able to be neat and tidy, to be able to not be so clumsy, and to be happy and confident in being myself. So far none of these have came true yet, but I'm working on them. I had a giddy feeling that I am coming close. These hopes and dreams tells me that I am inserting effort to improve myself and perhaps I should put in more.

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