Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Turning Point

As we humans straddled innocently through the roads of a yellow green forest called Life, a fork would often times skid our giddy footsteps to a halt. We and Robert Frost seemed to agree that we can not travel two paths and still be one traveler, there has bound to be a point where we had to make choices. These choices, big or small, mark different turning points of one's life. I too, had strayed among the roads of the yellow green forest and too, stopped in front of a fork, and pondered harder than I ever did, of my options. These decisions often mark turning points in my life, and in this post, I will present to you a choice I made that marked a turning point in my life. When I was in forth grade, I entered an impromptu writing competition. Despite the fact that I was remembered  as the girl who loved to read and write, I wasn't exactly the ideal choice for the competition. My writing has immense spelling issues and that, is a true disadvantage to my writing. I almost got cold feet and bailed out at that time but my mom encouraged me to just give it a shot anyway. I ended up winning the competition , and even till the present day,  was still much of a shock . If this turning point had never happened, if I had never attended the competition, my insecurity in writing will always hinder me from ever expressing my thoughts in paper. I would perhaps turn to other areas to peruse an interest and express myself. Perhaps I would develop an outspoken voice to say the things on my mind instead of writing them as I do today. Perhaps I will turn out to be a speaker after all.

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